X. mezinárodní závod automobilů do vrchu Zbraslav - Jíloviště pořádaný dne 9. května 1926
Altri titoli: X. International Car Hill Side Race from Zbraslav to Jíloviště
Genere: Documentary film
Anno: 1926
Durata: 10:29 min:sec
Descrizione: The Tenth International Car Race from Zbraslav to Jíloviště was held on 5th September 1926. The start was on a busy Zbraslav square. Among the spectators we can see the famous Czech actor Vlasta Burian with his wife Nina and his friends. The race track included also dangerous bends. After finishing the race the car racers were walking among the spectators. The winners of the race were Eliška Junková with a Bugatti car and Captain Vladimír Kučka with a Brough-Superior motorcycle.
Parole chiave: dokument / závod automobilový / závod motocyklový / závod do vrchu Zbraslav-Jíloviště / automobil Bugatti / závodníci / automobily závodní / motocykly závodní / vozový park / motocykl Brough-Superior / automobil Tatra / startér / diváci / car race / motorbike race / hillside race Zbraslav-Jíloviště / a Bugatti car / car racers / race cars / race motorbikes / car fleet / a Brough-Superior motorcycle / a Tatra car / starter / spectators
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Diritti: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Casa di produzione: Ministerstvo národní obrany
Colori: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Tipo documento:
Collezione: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs